
29th Jun-1st Jul, 8.00am

Arnside & Silverdale AONB. Leave Ledbury 08.00 on Monday 29 June returning early evening on Wednesday 01 July. Stay in B&B, evening meal at a local pub. Costs – B&B (around £35-£40) per night plus buy own lunch and evening meal. The area is renowned for its amazing range of flora and fauna within a variety of habitats including limestone pavement. We will car share from Ledbury.

To reserve a place please send a cheque as deposit for the B&B for £30.00 (payable to Kate Wollen), to Kate Wollen, Hazel Cottage Aylton, Ledbury, HR8 2QH


Sat 18th Jul, 14.00pm

Dales Hall. A guided tour of Tim and Rosemary Cameron’s private nature reserve. There are 40 acres of unimproved wildflower meadows and woodland surrounding their historic farmhouse.

Leader: Camerons/Janet Parry

Location: 190 OS 768 390 Access via 1 km of rough, drivable track, going north from the road across Castlemorton Common from Gullet quarry to the Gloucester road, directly opposite the junction with New Road. Park at the farm. Sat Nav WR13 6LQ


Sat 8th Aug, 14.00pm*

Wigmore Rolls. For butterflies including Silver-washed Frits, Wood White, Wall Brown and all the regulars in profusion on good days. It is very good for reptiles and August afternoons are often good for female adders sunning themselves on certain verges. Bird life is interesting and varied and the rideside plants are usually well in flower at this time of year. The walk is a circuit of 2 miles and not too strenuous though there is an incline, all on forest roads.

Leader: Robin Hemmings

Location: 203 OS 396 688 **See also note below


Sat 5th Sept, 14.00pm

Betty Daws Wood. A walk for Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, among other things.

Leader: John Davies

Location: OL14 OS 696 284


Sat 3rd Oct, 11.00am

Elan Valley/Gigrin Farm Red Kite Centre.

Leaders: John Davies/Brian Willder

Location: SM 928646 Meet at Elan Valley Visitor Centre at 10.30 for 11.00 start. Sat Nav LD6 5HP. We should consider car sharing.


Sat 10th Oct, 10.30am

Fungus Foray. Herefordshire Fungus Survey Group’s National Fungus Day event. Bring a basket and small knife if you want to collect specimens.

Leader: Cherry Greenway

Location: 202 OS 506 514 Queenswood Arboretum, Dinmore Hill, nr. Leominster. Sat Nav HR6 0PY



Early spring woodland flowers

Wood anemones, Frith Wood (Chris Harris)

The arrival of spring is heralded by a spectacular display of wildflowers, which culminates in late April/early May when the bluebells come into flower and the woodland floor becomes a carpet of blue. The appearance of so many wildflowers in early spring is part of an annual race to flower and set seed before the trees come into leaf and the canopy closes over, shading the woodland floor.


Wild Daffodils

Daffodils, Queenswood Dymock (Chris Harris)

During early Spring, swathes of wild daffodils (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) spread their yellow blaze through meadows, woodland and field margins. They reach their greatest concentrations on the Herefordshire / Gloucestershire border around Newent, Dymock and Ledbury; ‘the wild daffodil centre of England’. But the wild daffodil is also patchily distributed throughout Herefordshire.