
Coneygree Wood

This is an ancient woodland site of 56 hectares, rich in plant and insect life. There is evidence of prehistoric occupation, such as neolithic flints implements and, in more recent times, the sites of a water-mill and lime-kiln.

With its public footpath to the north, linking Ledbury with Eastnor, a bridleway to the south which passes up The Bullen and crosses to Eastnor, and its easy access from the town, this wood is popular with residents and visitors.

A Naturalists’ Field Study in 2005 recorded 166 species of flowers along the edges of rides and in clearings, including primrose, cowslip, wood anemone, a range of violets, common spotted and early purple orchid and yellow figwort. Oak, ash, hazel, field maple, spindle and hornbeam are among 47 species of tree recorded.

Small-leaved lime and wild service trees indicate the woodland’s ancient origins. Bird life included the green and greater-spotted woodpeckers, tree-creeper and goldcrest among the 28 species found. There was a wealth of butterflies and moths, including holly and common blues, painted lady, marbled white and small copper butterflies. There are badger setts, and grey squirrels and Muntjak deer have left their traces.

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